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TutorU is an educational platform that offers a variety of small group online tutoring classes and one-on-one interaction with a professionally experienced classroom instructor. The courses have in-depth content on specific topics, with the goal of "Learning the right needs in a short time to apply in practice".
The TutorU model is like Airbnb's model in the education industry
TutorU business model: A Marketplace of Knowledge



Pandu is a platform that helps learners connect with the right tutor on demand. The tutor is authenticated and displayed by Pandu to reach learners, diverse subjects in both online tutoring and home tutoring


Tuition Management System.

Kindergarten management software.

Language center management software.

School Bus Management System

  • User research

  • Redefining customer problems and pain

  • Design Thinking

  • Use a user story map to outline specific feature sets.

  • Wireframe; UI/UX Design

Luu Quoc Nghiem, Edtech

and more...

Participating in many other projects on software development, and building digital products.

Software and mobile applications according to the requirements of each enterprise.

- Budget planning management software (Phần mềm quản lý Kế hoạch Tài chính)

- Meal management software for manufacturing plants, industrial parks (Phần mềm quản lý suất ăn cho Nhà máy sản xuất, Khu công nghiệp)

- Internal document management software for offline access (Phần mềm quản lý tài liệu nội bộ cho phép truy cập offline)

- Management software for gyms, yoga, fitness centers (Phần mềm quản lý các Phòng Gym, Yoga, Thể dục thẩm mỹ.

Luu Quoc Nghiem, Product Manager

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© 2022 - 2023 By Luu Quoc Nghiem

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